Nominate for Crux Magna Medicorum 2021

Crux Magna Medicorum was established by the Board in 1981 and is the highest medal of honor awarded by the Board. The honorary award is given to those whose contributions to Medicinska Föreningen have been long-lasting, comprehensive and unmeasurable.

The medal can only be awarded to members, former members, staff and others who have been involved in the student union. The Board decides about whom the medal will be awarded to. A maximum of six medals may be awarded on each occasion. The medal is awarded to the recipients at the Lucia Ball on December 13th.

Do you know someone who deserves this prestigious award? Take the chance and nominate the person by sending an email marked “Crux Magna Medicorum nomination” containing:

  • First and last name of the person
  • The person’s current and previous involvement/positions in Medicinska Föreningen
  • Motivation to why they deserve to be awarded with Crux Magna Medicorum

Email your nomination to [email protected] latest on November 27th.