A Scalpella – The chamber choir at Medicinska Föreningen

The chamber choir A Scalpella is Medicinska Föreningen’s oldest union association, we celebrated 40 years in 2013. We are a mixed choir with about 30 members that sing a wide variety of genres, from classic choir music to modern a capella songs.

A Scalpella performs at a number of the medical association’s entertainments and have, in addition to that, two concerts each semester. Each semester we try to arrange a sort of “Choir camp” were we sing a lot, party and basically have fun! We also arrange choir travels about once a year and recent travels have gone to Paris, Sankt Petersburg, Montreal and Barcelona. Rehearsals are every Wednesday, 18.30 – 21.00, but we gather at 6 p.m for coffee and talking.

At the start of each semester we hold an open rehearsal were everybody is welcome to come and try how it’s like to sing in a choir. If you want you can then wait until after the rehearsal to get an audition for a permanent place in the choir.