Global Friends – GF

The main task of Global Friends (GF) is to organise activities that promote community among national and international students and to coordinate the reception of international students.


GF organises a variety of amazing events since we want you to have a fantastic time here at MF and in Stockholm. We have e.g. visited Skansen and the Vasa museum, hosted pub crawls, gone on a cruise, played ten-pin bowling, etc. We create events with great diversity so that everyone feels included and we’re open for all ideas!

The buddy system

Global Friends also has a buddy system, where we integrate KI students and International exchange students. This is a great way for everyone to make new friends and learn about different cultures. Information regarding the application for getting a KI buddy is sent to exchange students at the beginning of each semester. Unfortunately we don’t have enough buddies for all exchange students, but we do our best.

Event helpers

Are you a Swedish (or International) student at KI and want to help out at some of our events, you can sign up to be a part of our team of Event helpers. Please send a mail to us and we’ll give you more information.

Strangers today, Global Friends tomorrow!