The Union Election 2018

The Union Election is approaching
– make a difference!

In October, the election for the Medicinska Föreningen Council (MF Council) will be held. By voting on your preferred candidate, the election gives you the opportunity to voice your opinion about our student union. If you would also like to represent your fellow students in the Council, we encourage you to run in the election!

Last date to send in your candidacy is on the 10th of October.

What is the MF Council? The Council is the highest decision-making body in MF and consists of up to 29 members. As a member of the Council, you participate in decisions at the top level. This includes choosing the Board of MF, appointing student representatives and assigning various positions in the organisation. You will also determine the budget, review the finances, and plan for the coming year.

What is expected from me? There are no criteria other than being an MF member. Three times per semester, you will be summoned to meetings held after work hours that last between two to three hours. Before the meeting you should read the agenda, any documents, and other proceedings. Food will be provided.

How am I elected? After you’ve sent in your candidacy, you will run in the elections held between 19-26 October where your vote count will determine the outcome. You could also speak to your section –  the MF sections will be given a certain number of seats to fill in the Council and you can contact them about appointing you. If you are appointed to a seat by your section, you cannot run in the general election.

Your application should contain the following:

  • First and last name
  • Programme/course(s) you are studying
  • Email address and phone number
  • A picture of you
  • A short motivation (max 100 words) in Swedish and English

Send an email of the above with the subject line Council Candidate to: [email protected]

…or leave a written application at the MF office.

The deadline for sending in the application is on the 10th of October 23:59.

If you have any questions about the election, the Council, or anything else, send an email to:

[email protected]