Recepients of Crux Magna Medicorum 2017

Crux Magna Medicorum was founded by the Board in 1981 and is MF’s highest medal of honour. It’s awarded to one whose commitment for MF has been longlasting, comprehensive and unmeasurable.

Frida Hellström

For Frida Medicinska Föreningen has always been a part of her studies. Since 2014 Frida has had positions of trust within several societies and committees, where she’s built and developed them for everyone’s benefit. Frida’s commitment culminated in 2016 when she was the president of MF. With her leadership, MF managed to go through a tough time at KI and despite an increased workload placed on influence towards KI, several vital changes were made.

For your enormous drive and commitment Medicinska Föreningen wishes to award you Crux Magna Medicorum.

Thank you Frida!

Yi-Hua Zhang

Within the administrations committee at MF there’s a subgroup called the Computer committee. The Computer committee’s responsibility is to secure and develop MFs data and IT-structure. The computer committee has since 2009 consisted of Yi-Hua Zhang. Despite the fact that Yi-Hua graduated many years ago, he’s as active today as before. Without Yi-Hua the operations of MF would seize completely. During these nine years, Yi-Hua has solved all problems that have arised, both quickly and efficiently. He’s an incredibly ambitious, effective and problem solving individual who we’re immensely grateful to still have at MF, despite the fact that Yi-Hua has moved on in his career as a physician.

For you never-ending nurture and care of Medicinska Föreningens digital world we wish to award you Crux Magna Medicorum.

Thank you Yi-Hua!

Andrea Montano Montes

Andrea has been a part of Medicinska Föreningen since 2013, and haven’t stopped since. Andrea has done it all from organizing career days for her section (BAS) to lead MF as the vice president, and is now active within the future union house project and SNNC. Andrea has throughout it all shown a passion and love for what MF is and stands for. Andrea doesn’t work for herself, but to ensure that all students get a good education, and that their possibility to influence it is secured.

For all you’ve done, and continue to do, Medicinska Föreningen wishes to award you Crux Magna Medicorum

Thank you Andrea!

Jennie Amanda Sporre

Jennie is part of a select few in Medicinska Föreningens history. Jennie has been in the presidium for two year, both as president and vice president. This is not a common occurrence at MF, as the positions are quite exhaustive. Jennie has during her two years enforced and developed MFs student influence towards KI, something that without a doubt can be labelled immeasureable. But Jennie’s commitment doesn’t stop there, Jennie has been a member of several committees and societies of MF, and has proven herself a true enthusiast of MF.

For your longlasting and immeasureable commitment Medicinska Föreningen wishes to award you Crux Magna Medicorum.

Thank you Jennie!