Audiology Section (AS)
The Audiology Section (Audionomsektionen, AS) is the section for students at the Audiology Programme at Karolinska Institutet. As a member of Medicinska Föreningen and registered at the programme you are a member of AS.
The Audiology Section (Audionomsektionen, AS) is the section for students at the Audiology Programme at Karolinska Institutet. As a member of Medicinska Föreningen and registered at the programme you are a member of AS.
The section works with questions regarding student health, development of the education and of course social events. During the semesters we plan different events for all section members. We also discuss any problems that might occur with the education and exchange experiences with other sections within MF. The goal is to always have two representatives from each semester so that each student can express their opinions to their representatives and make their voice heard.
Contact: Lovisa Hagenfeldt
The Audiology Section unfortunately doesn’t have a section board or chairperson at the moment. Interested in starting the section work again? Contact [email protected]!