Inauguration of MF’s new toilets – the first step in the reconstruction Framtidens Kårhus is finished!

On the 14th of September, the new toilets at Medicinska Föreningen were inaugurated – a huge step in the project Framtidens Kårhus (FKH)!

The toilets on the entrance floor and in the pub have been reconstructed in the spring and summer of 2018, and are now ready to use. The reconstruction has been made by MF and Kårhusstiftelsen, who financed the renovation. Speeches at the inauguration were held by among others the Inspector of Medicinska Föreningen, Carl Johan Sundberg, and the project leader of Framtidens Kårhus, Anna Eklöf.

All toilets are gender neutral and built in MF’s colors – red, yellow, white and black, and they are also larger and there are more toilets than before!

Read more about the background and vision for Framtidens Kårhus here.