Recipients of Crux Parva Medicorum spring 2019

Crux Parva Medicorum was instituted by the Board in 2000.  The medal is awarded to those who during a longer or shorter period of time have done invaluable work for Medicinska Föreningen. It can be awarded to members, former members, employees or others who have been engaged in the work of Medicinska Föreningen. 

Here are the recepients of this spring’s Crux Parva Medicorum, which will be awarded at the Amphiox Gasque on the 9th of February:

Anita Birovecz

Anita Birovecz has for several years been engaged in the Reception Committee as both a member and last year as chairperson. She has always been one of the most driven and committed members within the committee and has always taken on incredible amounts of work to do the absolute best for the newly-adopted students at KI. During her year as chairperson, she continued to establish contacts and arranged collaborations with many other parts of MF, which has contributed to better cohesion within our student union and a better atmosphere.

Micaela Gonzalez

Micaela Gonzalez has been an active member of the Programme Committee for several years, where she held the position of chairperson 2018. She has also been presiding over the Equal Treatment Committee for two years where she worked for a more inclusive student union. She has worked with great passion and dedication during the years, and there has been nothing that she could not deal with or a problem she could not solve. Micaela has been there for everyone and helps with things big and small. Anyone who met her in the union house in recent years can probably attest to her tireless commitment and happy energy.

Eva Hesselmark

Eva Hesselmark has for several years been a key member of the Doctoral Students’ Association where she held positions as board member, treasurer, vice chairperson and also acted as the section’s election committee at the annual meeting 2018. She has been invaluable for the section as she contributed with her expertise in board work and represented MF in the Board of Doctoral Studies as well. In addition, she has also served as DSA’s representative in FuM. Eva has made invaluable efforts for doctoral students at KI for a very long time. Without her enthusiastic involvement and commitment within and outside the union, the PhD students at KI would not have such a strong influence within the faculty that we have today or function as well as it does as a section in MF.

Fredrik Jöneby

Fredrik Jöneby not only gladly takes on heavy tasks that he can handle without fault, but is also what we would call a “good MF member”. He has been active in several parts of the union and he is always there to answer questions and always has an encouraging word available (and usually a solution) when you are in deep trouble and in need of help. But the main contribution he has made to Medicinska Föreningen is, above all, the mood and energy he provides to those around him. He is pleasant and inviting and makes everyone feel welcome at MF and KI, to both old and new students. He contributes to a safe environment where everyone gets to feel at home.

Andrea Olofsson

Andrea Olofsson has been involved in MF for many years in many different ways. Among other things, she has been a board member of both Medicinska Föreningen and the Psychology Section. During the year as a board member MF, she worked on improving student health and contributing to a more pleasant educational environment at KI. She has for four years helped to receive new psychology students and made them feel welcome to KI, arranged the annual “Slutsessionen”, and through commitment and warmth contributed to increased contact between older and newer students.

Victor Svedberg

Victor Svedberg has been involved in all possible ways within MF since the start of his studies in the autumn of 2016. He has been involved in almost all committees we have and has been a positive and kind person towards everyone within the union. He has been a member of the Reception Committee for two years, where he has always worked to make the best possible reception for the new students. He has also been one of the most committed persons within the Culture Committee, where he almost himself managed the KI Culture and Creativity Day 2018 which became a successful event together with KI’s cultural council where he has also been holding positions as a student representative.