Recipients of Crux Magna Medicorum 2020

Crux Magna Medicorum was instituted by the Board in 1981 and is the highest medal of honour awarded by the Board of Medicinska Föreningen. The medal is awarded to those whose commitment for Medicinska Föreningen has been long-lasting, comprehensive and immeasurable. The medal can be awarded to members, previous members, staff and others who have dedicated their work to the student union.

The Board has decided to award this year’s Crux Magna Medicorum to Josefine Andersson and Iris Peña Arriarán, congratulations and thank you for your invaluable dedication to Medicinska Föreningen! The honorary medal is traditionally awarded at the Lucia Ball on December 13th, this year the ceremony will take place at a smaller event.

Josefine Andersson

Josefine Andersson began her involvement in Medicinska Föreningen in her first year of the nursing program at Karolinska Institutet. Her journey within the student union began with leading the work of Festis, the Nursing Section’s event committee, to later taking on the role as the chair of the Nursing Section. Josefine then took her student union involvement to a higher level in the role as Vice President of Medicinska Föreningen in 2019. When the student union needed her, she continued the mission in the spring of 2020 in parallel with her studies, making her one of the few who have been a presidial for more than one year. A devotion that Medicinska Föreningen is greatful for and would not have managed without.

Josefine has carried out a great work within student influence as a student representative e.g. in the Faculty Board as well as by maintaining and developing the relationship with KI’s leadership to strengthen the student influence at KI. As staff manager and within the Administration Committee, she has worked hard to improve staff issues as well as get better union premises for our members in Flemingsberg. Josefine has always taken on her assignments with a great sense of responsibility and she is an inspiration to other students who want to begin their involvement in Medicinska Föreningen. She never hesitates to extend a helping hand to those who need it.

For her long lasting, comprehensive and immeasurable work within Medicinska Föreningen, the Board has chosen to award Josefine Andersson the honorary medal Crux Magna Medicorum.

Iris Peña Arriarán

For many, Iris’ name is synonymous with student union life. During her time as a medical student at Karolinska Institutet, she quickly became involved in everything that Medicinska Föreningen had to offer. From a long-term commitment within the skit groups Flix and Corpus, where she was a director, wrote scripts, was part of the ensemble and performed on stage, and was also chair one year, to a member of the Union Council at Medicinska Föreningen and the Board.

During her first years as active within the student union, Iris (or Piggelin as she was called) was involved in the Programme Committee and helped to involve new members to ensure regrowth of the committee. After that, she was also the hostess of Medicinska Föreningen and member of the Songbook Committee and has contributed to numerous lyrics in the latest edition of the songbook that came out in 2016. Iris has always taken on her commitment with a positive attitude and a smile on her face. In 2018, when Iris graduated, she took on the task as President of Medicinska Föreningen and chose to dedicate an additional year to commitment and work within Medicinska Föreningen.

For her long lasting, comprehensive and immeasurable work within Medicinska Föreningen, the Board has chosen to award Iris Peña Arriarán the honorary medal Crux Magna Medicorum.