Toilet renovation – the first step in the project Framtidens kårhus

The project Framtidens Kårhus (FKH) has finally come to a start with renovation of the toilets!

During the spring and summer 2018 the toilets on the entrance floor and in the pub will be completely renovated. This is the first step towards the rebuilding of our beloved union house.

Read more about the background and the vision for the future union house “Framtidens kårhus” here.

Pictures from the entrance floor w. 20

The previous floor in the entrance toilet is now completely demolished and thrown away.
And so are the walls and ceiling.

Pictures from the pub w. 20

This is where the pub toilets are going to be. The workers have been working so hard with this floor. There was much much more concrete than we expected. They have been working with a jackhammer to get rid of around 20-30 cm concrete. Impressive.

While the toilets are getting done we are working hard in the project group
with preparing the rest of the house for the future renovation. So exciting!

If you have any questions during or about the rebuilding process you’re welcome to contact: