Nominate for Parva Scintilla Medicorum & Crux Parva Medicorum

It’s now time to nominate for the honorary medals Parva Scintilla Medicorum and Crux Parva Medicorum. Do you know anyone who’s done a great job within MF? Maybe started something new, developed routines, supported students and members or done invaluable work within study surveillance? Read more below and take the chance to nominate those you feel deserve these medals!

Parva Scintilla Medicorum

Parva Scintilla Medicorum is awarded to someone who for a shorter or longer period of time has done invaluable voluntary work for Medicinska Föreningen in the field of student influence and study surveillance. 

Examples of such efforts are far-reaching and persistent improvements in education/teaching/study conditions that have been beneficial to students at Karolinska Institutet.

The medal can be awarded to members, former members, student union staff and others who have been involved in Medicinska Föreningen. Parva Scintilla Medicorum is awarded once a year to a maximum of six recipients at the Spring Ball or the Amphiox Gasque. The Board decides whom to honor with the medal. 

Nominate for Parva Scintilla Medicorum

Take the chance and nominate anyone you deem worhty of this honor by sending your nomination to [email protected] no later than September 2nd. The nomination should contain:

  • First and last name of the nominee
  • Programme and semester that the nominee studies/has studied if applicable
  • Student union involvement and how the nominee has improved and affected student influence
  • A motivation of why the nominee deserves the award Parva Scintilla Medicorum

Parva Scintilla Medicorum was proclaimed during the spring, but since the Spring Ball was cancelled no recipients were elected. Nominations for Parva Scintilla Medicorum sent during the spring will be taken into consideration.

Crux Parva Medicorum

Crux Parva Medicorum is awarded to someone who for a shorter or longer period of time has done invaluable voluntary work for Medicinska Föreningen.

This can e.g. be a major effort in a specific area or a long-term commitment, drive and support in several areas.

The medal can be awarded to members, former members, student union staff and others who have been involved in Medicinska Föreningen. Crux Parva Medicorum is awarded twice a year to a maximum of six recipients at the Amphiox Gasque. The Board decides whom to honor with the medal.

Nominate for Crux Parva Medicorum

Take the chance and nominate anyone you deem worhty of this honor by sending your nomination to [email protected] no later than September 2nd. The nomination should contain:

  • First and last name of the nominee
  • Positions that the nominee has and/or has had within Medicinska Föreningen
  • A motivation of why the nominee deserves the award Crux Parva Medicorum

Crux Parva Medicorum tilldelas den som en längre eller kortare tid har utfört ovärderligt ideellt arbete för Föreningen.

Crux Parva Medicorum is usually awarded at the Amphiox Gasque once per semester and Parva Scintilla Medicorum is usually awarded at the Spring Ball once a year. Because of the uncertainty regarding this autumn’s Amphiox Gasque, it is not yet decided when the medals will be awarded. Regardless if the Amphiox Gasque will be organised or not, an opportunity will be arranged for the recipients to receive the awards.