Union Council meeting 20/21:2

Here you can read about what was decided at the Union Council’s (Fullmäktige) meeting on 14 December.

Elections points

Positions of trust

Vice President
Andreas Henriksson, psychology programme

Board member
Dilara Kaya, Master’s Programme in Toxicology

The other members of the Board as well as the President and Secretary were elected at the constituent meeting of the Union Council, see who were elected here! 

Carl Johan Sundberg

Tomb keeper
Elin Palm

Substitute authorised auditor 
Martin Kraft

Student representantives at KI central level

KI body Number of positions Student representative(s)
Konsistoriet // University board 2 Alexander Klaréus
Leo Ziegel
Fakultetsnämnden // Faculty Board 2 Sebastian Ols
Kommittén för utbildning på grundnivå och avancerad nivå (KU) // Committee for Higher Education (KU) 2 Anton Korpe
Naela Hagatulah
Kommittén för utbildning på forskarnivå (KFU) // Committee for Research Education (KFU) 3 Amineh Ghaderi
Caroline Schagerholm
Valeria Messina
Kommittén för forskning (KF) // Committee for Research (KF) 3 Benedek Bozoky
Elnaz Sepheri
Rekryteringsutskottet (RU) // Recruitment Committee (RU) 2 Weiyingqi Cui
Wilma Lindström
Substitute: Yangjun Liu
Docenturutskottet // The Docent Committee 1 Yangjun Liu
Fakultetsrådet // The Faculty Council 2 Vacant
Etikrådet // The Ethics Council 1 Robert Meriruoho
Biblioteksråd // The Library Council 1 Vacant
Styrgrupp för Pedagogisk enhet för undervisning och lärande (UoL) // Steering group for Pedagogical unit for teaching and learning (UoL) 1 Vacant
Makroekonomiska gruppen (MEG) // The macroeconomic group (MEG) 1 Joachim Vist
Samordningsgrupp för kvalitetsarbete (SAK) // Coordination group for quality work (SAK) 1 Vacant
Internationaliseringsråd // Internationalisation Advisory Council 1 Dina Dabaghie
Infrastrukturråd // Infrastructure Council 1 Vacant
KI/Region Stockholm utbildningsråd (UR) // KI/Stockholm Region Education Council 1 Vacant
Forskningsråd (FR) KI/Region Stockholm // Research Council 1 Emmanuel Zavalis
Huvudstuderandeskyddsombud tillika ledamot i Arbetsmiljönämnden// Head student safety ombudsperson and member in the Work Environment Committee 1 Vacant
Biträdande Huvudstuderandeskyddsombud tillika adjungerad till Arbetsmiljönämnden // Deputy head student safety ombud and co-opted to the Work Environment Committee 1 Vacant
Disciplinnämnden // The Disciplinary Board 1 ordinary
1 substitute
Rådet för miljö och hållbar utveckling // KI Council for Environment and Sustainable Development 2 Ester Gubi
Maja Svensson
Läs- och granskningsgruppen (LÄGG) // Reading and Review Group 1 Vacant
Råd för utredning av avvikelser från god forskningssed // Council for assessing suspected deviations from good research practice at KI 1 ordinary
1 substitute
Pedagogiska Priskommittén // The Pedagogical Prize Committee 2 Vacant
Lärandemiljörådet // Learning environment council 1 Vacant
Stipendienämnden // Grant board 1 Nassai Herren
Rosanders donationsfond // Rosander’s donations fund 1 Vacant
Kulturrådet // Culture council 1 Anders Norell Bergendahl

Decision points

FuM decided on the following dates for meetings in 2021:

  • 24 February
  • 28 April
  • 20 May
  • 27 September
  • 20 November at 11.00 am (constituent meeting)
  • 15 December

The following documents were updated and will be published as soon as the meeting minutes have been adjusted:

  • Reglemente för Arbetsterapeutsektionen – changed to Reglemente för Arbetsterapisektionen (Regulation for the Occupational Therapy Section)
  • Reglemente för Internationella Nämnden – changed to Reglemente för Internationella Utskottet (Regulation for the International Committee)
  • Reglemente för Utskottet Global Friends (Regulation for Global Friends)

FuM also approved of:

  • Budget for 2021
  • Verksamhetsplan (activity plan) for 2021

Clarifications were also made about renumeration and election of the Chair of the Education Council (URO) and employment within the project Framtidens Kårhus.

Minutes from the meeting will be published here as soon as they have been adjusted and signed.

Vacant student representative positions will be elected by the Board at the beginning of 2021. The application period will open on the 21st December!