Union Council meeting 20/21:1

Here you can read about what was decided at the Union Council’s (Fullmäktige) constituting, i.e. first meeting of 20/21 on 21 December.

Elections points

The following documents were updated and will be published as soon as the meeting minutes have been adjusted:

  • Medicinska Föreningens stadgar ( the Bylaws of Medicinska Föreningen)
  • Reglemente för Utbildningsrådet (Regulations for the Education Council)

The Union Council also approved of the Election Commission’s report of the Union Election and the Board’s proposition of membership in SAIF for more support to sports activities through the Sports Committee.

At the next Union Council meeting on 14 December the remaining positions of trust for 2021 will be elected. Student representative positions within KI 2021 will also be elected! Last day to apply is 3 December.