Recipients of Parva Scintilla Medicorum 2020

Parva Scintilla Medicorum was instituted by the Board in 2012. It is awarded to those who, for a shorter or longer period of time, have done indispensable volunteer work for Medicinska Föreningen in the area of student influence. Example of such work are profound or durable improvements in the education that have benefited the students of Karolinska Institutet. The medal can be awarded to members, former members, staff of Medicinska Föreningen, and others involved in Medicinska Föreningen.

We congratulate and thank this year’s recipients of Parva Scintilla Medicorum! The honorary medal is awarded on the 14th of November.

Max Kynning

During his years at Medicinska Föreningen, Max has worked continuously with student influence. As President of Medicinska Föreningen in 2017, Max worked hard to ensure that the students’ best was looked after and reflected on in meetings with the KI leadership, the President of KI and in the daily contact with KI. Max has been student representative for three years in the KI board Konsistoriet, where he put a lot of work into ensuring that the education and students at KI is prioritized. Max has always shown great courage and has always stood up for the students at KI, whom he has represented in a factual and effective way.

For his invaluable work within student influence at Medicinska Föreningen, the Board has chosen to award Max Kynning the honorary medal Parva Scintilla Medicorum.

Mirco Martino

Karolinska Institutet has over 2 000 doctoral students, all of them with different opinions and needs. One voice that has been in the forefront, tirelessly working for the welfare of doctoral students at KI is Mirco Martino. Mirco has worked passionately for years to improve the doctoral students’ conditions at Karolinska Institutet, both through the Doctoral Section and as a student representative in KI’s different bodies, and has not been afraid to speak on behalf of the students towards KI’s leadership.

For his invaluable work within student influence at Medicinska Föreningen, the Board has chosen to award Mirco Martino the honorary medal Parva Scintilla Medicorum.

Adele Kastensson

Adele became involved in student influence already during her first semester in the medical programme and she has since then worked hard to ensure that the communication between the programme management and the students works well. Adele has with great seriousness and knowledge managed to mediate between the programme management and the students at the medical program so that they feel included in the programme’s development. Adele has done this both as a student representative as well as board member, vice chair and chair of the Medical Section.

For her invaluable work within student influence at Medicinska Föreningen, the Board has chosen to award Adele Kastensson the honorary medal Parva Scintilla Medicorum.

Alice Weréen

Alice has several years of commitment within student influence as a student representative in several different bodies at Karolinska Institutet. Alice has worked hard and shown great interest in improving the education at KI, especially at the medical programme. As a histology tutor, she took a major initiative to restructure and improve the course in histology and taught other students in a pedagogical way.

For her invaluable work within student influence at Medicinska Föreningen, the Board has chosen to award Alice Weréen the honorary medal Parva Scintilla Medicorum.