Sports Day VT19 – 20/2

It’s yet again time for sports day! As is tradition, The Sports Committee (IdrU) organizes a sports day for all students on the fifth Wednesday of the semester. The activities have range levels going from easy-peasy to super tough. The listed activities below will be available:

  1. Romme
  2. Squash
  3. Padel
  4. SATS Torsplan
  5. Skating
  6. Slagskeppet – Thai boxing/Crossfit
  7. Swimming
  8. Climbing
  9. Friskis & Svettis Hagastan
  10. Volleyboll
  11. Badminton
  12. Chess
  13. Pole Dance
  14. Futsal
  15. Basket ball
  16. Power lifting

1. Romme ski trip

Last call for Romme! Not many tickets left!

Where: Romme, 2,5 hours from Stockholm, busses leaves from Nobels väg 1 Solna
What: Skiing & snowboarding
How: Register and pay directly on their website and enter password QNNG
How much: Skipass and bus 380 SEK
Additional: ski package 185 SEK, Snowboard package 215 SEK and TwinTip package 255 SEK, lunch ticket 65 SEK
When: Busses leaves at 06:20 and will be back around 19:00

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2. Squash

Where? Roslagshallen, Roslagsgatan 24.
When? 08:30-09:30
Number of spots: ca 18 peoples per session.
No pre-booking, just come in time!
Price? No fee!

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3. Paddle

Where? Padel Flemingsberg, Elektronvägen 4
When? 10-12
Price? No fee! Gear included.

We have booked three fields for three hours. Padel can be described as a combination of tennis and squash. You play on a field over a net, like tennis, but you may also use the walls, like in squash. The game is usually 2vs2, but can be played 1vs1. You can also come by yourself and see if you can join anyone there!

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4. SATS Torsplan

Try the new, well fairly new, facilities at SATS Torsplan during sports day! Open house for anyone associated with KI between 06.00 and 22.00, where they free of cost offer several instructor-led training sessions. Here you can work-out overlooking the views of Stockholm, especially from their roof terrace with a 110m long race-track and monkey bar! Besides having a really spectacular gym, sessions taking place on Wednesday are also free to join if there are slots left!

06.45 – 45min – Indoor Running
11.00 – 45min – Crosstraining
11.30 – 30min – Build’n Burn Xpress
12.00 – 60min – Power step
16.30 – 60min – Bodypump
17.00 – 45min – Indoor running
17.30 – 60min – Yin yoga
18.00 – 45min – Build’n burn
19.00 – 30min – Bootylicious

In order to reserve a spot, email or call SATS at the latest 19/2. Otherwise, you can also show up and grab any spot that’s left. Bring your KI-card or any proof of being a KI student and show it to the reception. As far as sessions go, they have a maximum number of participants i.e. it is first come, first served!
Students also have a 20% discount on all memberships!

Where: Sats Torsplan (Solnavägen 1F)
When: 06.00-22.00
Cost: Free of charge!
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 010-110-63-00

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5. Ice skating

Always wanted to learn how to ice skate? Do you know how to skate but would like to practice some more? Or would you and your friends just like to skate together and have fun? Either way, come ate ice skate with us at Östermalms IP! Coaches will be there to coach and guide you, bring ice skates if you have, otherwise there’s the possibility to rent skates at Östermalms IP!

Session 1: 10.00
Session 2: 13.00

Where: Östermalms IP (at the fence closest to Lidingövägen)
When: 10.00 and 13.00
Cost: Free of charge!
Coach: Isabella Bengtsson

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6. Slagskeppet – Thai boxing/CrossFit

Would you like to try Thai boxing? CrossFit? Learn about the human body and get your preconceptions about martial arts shattered? The Stockholm’s greatest martial arts club Slagskeppet is now offering all student free access to their gym as well their sessions in CrossFit during sports day.

But! Slagskeppet also want to show us students how fun martial arts is so besides free access to their gym and sessions they’re also offering us a unique private session in thai boxing especially designed for us at KI with their head coach in thai boxing Peter Lööf, Sweden’s foremost thai boxing trainer with 40 years of experience in martial arts both as an active athlete as well as a trainer. Peter has a unique sense for the biomechanics of the human body and over 30 years of experience when it comes to treatment and rehabilitation of exercise-induced injuries and will also go through biomechanics with us during the session.

HOW FUN DOES THAT SOUND? So much fun! So, bring all of your friends and come to Slagskeppet for two hours of endorphin raising, ass-kicking exercise where you can take out all of your aggressions over school! Two birds with one stone! Everyone is welcome, from beginners who’ve never tried thai boxing before to pros, Slagskeppet will cater the session to your abilities!

13.15-14.45 Thai boxing with integrated biomechanics with Peter Lööf

Slagskeppet is also offering KI-students a private session in CrossFit because, well, they’re amazing:

14.45-15.45 – CrossFit – 16 slots

To participate in Thai boxing and CrossFit you need to reserve a spot through Lina Abdel-Halim at the latest 18/2.

Where: Slagskeppet – Kungliga Tennishallen, Lidingövägen 75 Cost: Free! What a dream. Bring: Change of clothes, padlock, water bottle and the world’s greatest mood!

For more information about Slagskeppet and to make you, even more, stoked:

Also, make sure to check Peter out on Nyhetsmorgon

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7. Swimming

Swimming is once again back as an activity during the sports day. This semester we will be swimming at Eriksdalsbadet where we will have an inspiring, fun and sweaty swim session under the guidance of the sports committees swimming coach Lina Abdel-Halim and Med-SM captain Michaela Lundgren.

Everyone is welcome no matter previous experience, Lina is there for the beginners and Michaela will be there for people who can swim. We will meet by the 25m pool in our swim gear at 8.30 and will swim until approx. 09.30.

Where: Eriksdalsbadet (Hammarby slussväg 20, Skanstull metro station)
When: 08.30-09.30
Price: 60 SEK (student)
Bring: Goggles (if you don’t have any we’ll bring goggles you can borrow)
Coaches: Lina Abdel-Halim & Michaela Lundgren

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8. Climbing

As usual, there is an opportunity to go climbing together with Idrottsutskottet during sports day. Anyone, from beginners to pro’s, is welcome to join. The climbing will take place at Klättercentret Telefonplan. Experienced climbers from the sports committee as well as instructors from the climbing centre will help us out with rope securing. If you wish to climb for a longer period of time you are welcome to do so, and you can both rope climb and boulder. Entrance fee is 115 SEK or 150 SEK if you also want to include climbing shoes and harness. If you’re already a member at Klättercentret the participation is, of course, free of charge.
Bring appropriate clothing for the activity, a water bottle and positive energy.

Where: Klättercentret Telefonplan
When: 10.15-11.45
Cost: 115 SEK (entrance fee) or 150 SEK (entrance fee + gear)

You do need to reserve a spot through us – this is done via Lina Abdel-Halim.

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9. Friskis & Svettis Hagastan

Friskis & Svettis Hagastan invites all KI students to free training at our facility! Bring your KI card or any proof of being a KI student and show it to the reception; after that you’re free to start running, lifting, jumping or whatever activity you usually do in a gym.

Where: Friskis & Svettis Hagastan
When: The entire day
Cost: Free of charge!

10. Volleyball

Come to GIH (The Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences) and play volleyball with us! We’ll bring a set of volleyballs, put up the nets and after that, we’ll play for 2 h. Bring some indoor shoes and a smile! Everyone is welcome regardless of previous experience, from complete beginners to people who can play!

Time: 15:00 – 17:00
Price: Free of charge
Closest subway: Stadion (red line)

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11. Badminton

Join us and play some badminton during sports day! We’ve booked four courts at Frescatihallen at Stockholm University campus. Show your MF-membership card/KI card at the reception and they will let you in! You can rent rackets there or bring your own if you have one! See you soon!

Where: Frescati sports center
When: 15.00-17.00
Price: Free of charge (unless you need to rent a racket)!

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12. Chess

It’s time for sports day and with it a day filled with chess! Come and play with us, everyone is welcome, from beginners to pro’s!

Where: Second floor (utskottsvåningen), Medicinska Föreningen, Nobels väg 10
When: 12:00-17:00
Cost: Free of charge
Bring: Your brain will be enough!

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13. Pole dance

Dip turn, fireman backspin and fan-kick. These and many more are cool pole dance tricks that you can learn at the intro class at the cosiest pole studio in Stockholm – Vida pole at Kungsholmen. Book your spot on the intro class at 16.00 on the sports day to secure your spot and to make sure that you get to learn how to dance and spin like a true star.

So how do I join in on the fun? Go to -> boka -> introklass -> kl.16.00 the 20/2. Done! Just bring some comfortable clothes, a water bottle and your best of attitudes and let’s have some real fun!

A warm welcome to Vida at Alströmergatan 49, Kungsholmen.

14. Futsal

Come and join us for some Futsal at Frescati sports centre (Stockholm University), it will be great! We’ll play for 1.5h and all KI students are welcome no matter previous skills.

Time: 10:30 – 12:00
Price: Free of charge!
Place: Frescati sports centre
Closest subway: Universitetet (red line)

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15. Basketball

Come and play basketball with the sports committee! You’re super welcome no matter previous experience, come if you’re a complete beginner and come if you’ve played before.

Where: Fleminghallen, Ebba Bååts torg 20
When: 15-17
Cost: Gratis!
Door code: 0405 (if the door’s not open)

15. Power lifting

Have you always wanted to try powerlifting (squats, deadlift and bench press) but never dared to? Do you powerlift but like to practice some more technique? Niklas Lindroth who competes in powerlifting is having a technique session in powerlifting which everyone is welcome to join no matter previous experience! Limited amount of spots, first come, first serve.

Where: Friskis&Svettis Hagastan
When: 09.00-12.30
Cost: Free of charge!
Signup: Through Lina Abdel-Halim
Coach: Niklas Lindroth