Recipients of Crux Magna Medicorum 2021

The Board has decided to award this year’s Crux Magna Medicorum to Laura Andersson, Jessica Härtell and Carl Johan Sundberg. Warm congratulations and thank you for your long-standing, comprehensive and immeasurable commitment to Medicinska Föreningen!

Crux Magna Medicorum was instituted by the Board in 1981 and is the highest medal of honour awarded by the Board of Medicinska Föreningen. The medal is awarded to those whose commitment for Medicinska Föreningen has been long-standing, comprehensive and immeasurable. The medal can be awarded to members, previous members, staff and others who have dedicated their work to the student union. The Board decides whom to honour with the medal. A maximum of six medals can be awarded at each occasion. The medal is awarded annually at the Lucia Ball on the 13th of December.