Announcement of scholarship

From the Medicinska Föreningens samstiftelser

The application for scholarship from the foundation Medicinska Föreningens samstiftelse for study trips 2022 is now open. Last day to apply is November 10th 2022!

Samstiftelse för studieresor

Purpose: The purpose of the foundation is to issue grants for educational travel, preferably abroad, to students and members of the Medicinska Föreningen. The purpose of the travel should be studies within the field of medical science.

Eligibility applicants: Scholarships can be issued to students and members of the Medicinska Föreningen who have conducted studies at Karolinska Institutet for at least one year. The student receiving the scholarship should present an account of the travel in a written report.

Grant amount: Up to 16 500 SEK.

Application form

Samstiftelse för studier

Purpose: The purpose of the foundation is to issue grants to students and members of the Medicinska Föreningen in order to promote their studies at KI.

Eligibility applicants: Scholarships can be issued to students and members of the Medicinska Föreningen who have successfully conducted studies at Karolinska Institutet for at least one year. The applicant’s economic situation will be taken into account when processing the applications.

Grant amount: Up to 21 900 kr.

Application form

Send your application: as one (1) pdf file to [email protected] and mark the subject line as ”Application Samstiftelse för studieresor 2022” or ”Application Samstiftelse för Studier 2022”. Applicants must use the updated version of the application form, from 2022 for the application. Please fill out the form, print it, sign it, scan it and compile it together with any attachment to one file. Printers and scanners are available at the MF receptions when they are open.