Apply for positions of trust 2022/23

Since 1877, Medicinska Föreningen has been driven forward by committed members – Karolinska Institutet’s students and alumni. Do you want to deepen your commitment to the student union’s work and at the same time gain valuable experience for the future? Do you feel that you have knowledge to contribute to making the student union’s activities more efficient? Apply for a position of trust!

On May 25th, the Union Council (Fullmäktige), Medicinska Föreningen’s highest decision-making body, will elect the following positions of trust: archivist, librarian, host, Nominating Commission.

Read about the positions below and send in your candidacy latest on the 22nd of May at 23:59.


The position as archivist is an honorary position with the assignment to preserve and maintain Medicinska Föreningen’s archives. The archivist ensures that MF’s old meeting minutes, magazines and photographs are well taken care of and organized in an appropriate manner. The archivist’s task is also to submit historical articles or notices to the editorial staff of MF’s magazine Medicor based on material in the archives.


The position as librarian is an honorary position with the assignment to preserve and maintain Medicinska Föreningen’s library. The librarian takes care of the library and its inventories and finds new books on medical history or medicine and magazines to MF. The librarian’s task is also to submit historical articles or notices to the editorial staff of MF’s magazine Medicor based on older material in the library.


The position as host is an honorary position with the assignment to, as part of the host couple, execute and embody Medicinska Föreningen’s hosting at the official events that MF invites guests to. The host couple sends personal invitations to MF’s events, compiles information about the guest list to the Programme Committee and makes the table placement at the sittings. During the events, the host couple welcomes the guests, handles the guest book, answers questions and makes sure the guests have a good time.

Election Commission

The Election Commission conducts the union election, i.e the election to the Union Council (Fullmäktige) of Medicinska Föreningen. The election takes place during the autumn 2021. The work of the Election Commission entails announcing the election so that all MF members can send in their candidacies and vote, creating election posters for everyone who is running in the election, sending a voting link via email to all members and compiling and publishing the election results.

  • The Election Commission consists of a chairperson, a vice chairperson and two to five members
  • Term of office: july 2022 – June 2023
  • Eligible: member
  • Language requirements: Swedish or English (at least one member with knowledge in Swedish)
  • More information: Medicinska Föreningens stagdar 15 kap. Om val


Do you have questions regarding a position or the election process?  You are welcome to contact the election commission at [email protected].