Positions of trust 2021/22

At the Union Council (FuM) meeting on the 20th of May, the positions of trust below were elected. The Union Council elected archivist, librarian, host for the term of office 2021/22, and the Election Commission for the Union Election 2021.

Jens Andersson

Archivist 2021/22

The archivist preserves and maintains MF’s archives and ensures that old meeting minutes, magazines and photographs are well taken care of and organized.

Jakob Berg

Librarian 2021/22

The librarian preserves and maintains MF’s library and its inventories, and finds new books on medical history or medicine and magazines to MF.

Oscar Dwyer

Host 2021/22

The host, as part of the host couple, executes and embodies MF’s hosting at the official events that MF invites guests to.

Election Commission 2021

The Election Commission conducts the Union Election, i.e the election to the Union Council (Fullmäktige) in autumn 2021, where MF members can run in the election and vote for the candidates.

Puck Norell

Election Commission 2021

Benjamin Maier

Election Commission 2021

Leif Karlsson

Election Commission 2021

Jessica Härtell

Election Commission 2021