Nominate for Crux Parva Medicorum VT22

Parva Medicorum was established by the Board in 2000. The medal is awarded to someone who for a longer or shorter period of time has done invaluable voluntary work for Medicinska Föreningen.

The medal can only be awarded to members, former members, staff and others who have been involved in the student union. The Board decides about whom the medal will be awarded to. A maximum of six medals may be awarded at once. The medal is awarded twice a year at the Amphiox gasques each spring and autumn.

Take the chance to nominate someone you think deserves the award Crux Parva Medicorum by sending an e-mail marked “Crux Parva Medicorum nomination” containing the following:

  • First and last name of the person
  • The person’s current and previous involvement/positions in Medicinska Föreningen
  • Motivation to why they deserve to be awarded with Crux Parva Medicorum

Send your nomination to [email protected] no later than the 16th of January.