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28 search results for: utskott


Sports day VT23

Hej everyone!
If you’re gonna want to remember one date for the start of the new semester, it is definitely FEBRUARY 15th! It’s finally time for the first SPORTS DAY of 2023!!!!!


Fullmäktigesammanträde 22/23:1-2

Read about who was elected to positions of trust within Medicinska föreningen 2023 and what FuM decided on the 19th on november 2022.


Kårvalet 2021 – candidates

The Election Commission hereby presents the candidates of the union election – Kårvalet! The voting period is between October 22nd and 29th. Become a member latest October 20th to vote.


Union Council meeting 20/21:2

Se vem som valts till förtroendeposter och studentrepresentantposter inom Medicinska Föreningen 2021 och vad FuM beslutade den 14 december.