
To become a member at Medicinska Föreningen you’re required to be registered as a student for the current semester at Karolinska Institutet. To become a supporting member that isn’t required.

Unfortunately not. In order to be registered as a MF-member you need to be an active student, in other words: You need to be currently studying at KI.

If you wish to become a supporting member or permanent member, this doesn’t apply to you. (Note that these membership types are mainly meant for non-students and don’t entitle you to a Mecenat card, a place in SSSB’s housing queue, many of MF’s member discounts, etc.)

If you’re interested in MF’s activities but aren’t a student at KI, you can become a supporting member of the student union! As a supporting member you won’t get the Mecenat card or have access to SSSB, and it doesn’t give you any democratic rights within MF. However, as a supporting member you can partake in all of MF’s activities that aren’t directly meant for active students only. 

The membership fee for supporting membership is 160 SEK for one semester or 320 SEK for two semesters. You can easily become a supporting member at our payment page or at one of our student union service desks. 

Prescriptions for supporting membership in Medicinska Föreningen (in Swedish) 

What we need from you in order to register you as a member is, first of all, a valid certificate that states that you study at KI during this semester. The document must be signed by a supervisor or professor at KI. This way we’ll know that you belong to KI! You can use the certificate template below. We also need the following information from you: 

  • Full name 
  • Swedish personal identity number (YYMMDD-XXXX) If you don’t have a Swedish personal identity number yet, we’ll need to know your birth date. 
  • Address where you want the Mecenat card to be sent 
  • Email address (preferably your KI-email if you have one). 

You can email the certificate and your contact information to us at [email protected] or come and visit one of our student union offices. After that you can pay the membership fee, either via our payment page, or directly at the service desk! Remember that you’ll have to present us with a new certificate each semester to continue your membership! 

Certificate of current studies at KI

Yes you can! As a pre-PhD student or research assistant you can become an intertriginous member. Since you’re not registered in LADOK, we need to register you manually in our member system. What we need from you in order to do so is a valid certificate that states that you are a student at KI during this semester, preparing for admission to doctoral studies. We also need the contact information stated under the previous question: “I am not and will not become registered in LADOK, but study at KI – How can I become a member of MF?” Under that question you can also find a certificate form. Remember that you’ll have to present us with a new certificate each semester to continue your membership!

As an intertriginous member you don’t have the possibility to vote in certain MF elections and can not apply for certain positions within the student union. You can read more about the limitations connected with the intertriginous membership here: Regulations for intertriginous membership in Medicinska Föreningen (in Swedish)

No, since July 1st 2010, it is no longer compulsory for students at universities and colleges to be members of a Student Association. But Medicinska Föreningen has stayed active and thriving and if you want to participate in the student influence MF carries and all the MF benefits, you’re welcome to join our student union!

MF has access to the contact information you’ve stated in Ladok. Unless you’ve given us alternative information, it’s the information form Ladok that’s registered in our member system. This means that it’s possible to indirectly change your contact information with us by changing it in Ladok.  

If you’re not registered in Ladok or if you for some other reason don’t have the correct information registered on your profile with us, please contact us so that we can register the correct contact information in our member system.

Your membership is always valid for one semester at a time. When you pay at our payment page, you choose yourself which semester/-s you pay for. The membership is valid from the day MF receives your payment and the necessary information about your Ladok-registration from KI. The membership for the spring semester is valid until the 15th of September and the autumn semester until the 10th of February .

If you’ve paid for two semester and are registered in Ladok, your membership will get updated automatically in the beginning of the next semester.  

A membership expires when the period it is valid for comes to an end, presuming the member doesn’t have a membership in any other category of membership and that the membership hasn’t been prolonged.

A member has the right to resign his membership at any time. To do this, a written notice of resignation must be sent to MF. Any paid fees will not be refunded.

If a student member is expelled from his education at Karolinska Institutet his MF membership is also discontinued, presuming he doesn’t have a membership in any other category of membership. Student members that are suspended from KI are suspended for the same amount of time from MF. Any paid fees will not be refunded. Supportive members, permanent members, honorary members and elected members can be expelled by decision of MF:s disciplinary committee. Any paid fees will not be refunded.

Membership fee/payment

The membership fee for student members (“regular” members) are 250 SEK for one semester, 500 SEK for two semesters or 1000 SEK for two years. At the beginning of each semester we email all newly registered students at KI, offering student union membership. 

Alternative payment methods: 

  1. Visit one of our student union offices and pay there, with card.
  2. If you’re unable to pay at our payment page or at one of our student union offices, you can pay at your internet bank using bank giro Please contact [email protected] for help with this.

In the app hitract you can see which semsters you have paid the membership fee and see your membership card. The membership card proves that you’re a member of MF.  

We also recommend that you save the receipt you receive when you pay the membership fee, regardless of your payment method. 

You can always contact the student union office and ask for a copy of the receipt belonging to your payment, as long as your payment has actually reached us. (However, if your payment was made years ago, we might not have information connected to it anymore.) 

No problem! You can with card in the app hitract, at our payment page or through bank giro, if you’ve got a Swedish bank accountAnother option is to pay through IBAN/BIC. Contact us and we’ll help you with the payment process.  

According to the statutes, you become a member when you pay your membership fee. Once you do, you have approved the terms of membership according to the statutes. It is impossible to regret it, since you thereby have entered into a civil-law agreement where the statutes are the terms of the agreement. The statutes are refered to at our payment page under “Terms anconditions“. However, it is free to leave whenever you want. This is clearly stated in the statutes and there you’ll also find information regarding the non-refund rules. The Consumer Act, the Consumer Services Act or the Distance Contract Act do not apply to membership and cannot be undone under any of the laws.

However, we sometimes make exceptions, for example if the person in question paid for student membership a semester when he/she never studied at KI and therefore never was counted as a “real student member”.

The Mecenat card

If you’re registered in LADOK for the current semester, a digital Mecenat card will be issued to you automatically, when you’re a KI-student. If you’re not registered in LADOK you’ll need to be a student union member (and thereby get registered as a student manually) to get the Mecenat card.

When you’re MF-member you get a MF-logo on your Mecenat card, not only the KI-logo.

As of 2024 Mecenat no longer issues physical cards.

A few days after you’ve registered in Ladok (or become a MF member) you’ll receive an email from Mecenat. (Note that the email might end up in the spam folder!) In the email you’ll find a link that’ll help you create an account at Mecenat and start using your discounts right away. That way you’ll have a digital version of the Mecenat card right in your phone!

You can also create an account at Mecenat without the email link. Follow the instructions at the Mecenat website.

If you’ve used the Mecenat app before, you can easily just log in with your old username and password. Does the app not show the latest version of your card? Some phones use cashe:ad data, then you sometimes need to log out and log back in again in order for the card to get updated.

To get the SL logo on your card your student activity for the current semester needs to be at least 75 % during 20 weeks or 100 % during 15 weeks. At the Swedish universities this equals to 22,5 hp/semester. Mecenat receives information automatically from KI/LADOK about registered students and their activity for the current semester, so it’s not decided by Medicinska Föreningen who gets the SL logo. Read more on Mecenat and SL.

If you think that you’re entitled to the SL logo although you haven’t got it on your card, double check that your activity is correctly registered in LADOK. Then contact KI:s administration: [email protected]

Are you a PhD student?

For PhD students the student activity is registered in LADOK afterwards, so Mecenat won’t be able to see beforehand what the activity of your doctoral studies is going to be for the current semester. To get the SL logo on your Mecenat card as a PhD student, the following is required:

If it’s your first semester registered as a PhD student:
– You need to be registered in LADOK for the current semester. You’ll have to prove your activity directly to Mecenat in order to get the SL logo on your student card.

If you have been registered as a PhD student before:
– You need to be registered in LADOK for the current semester and your activity for the last semester needs to have been at least 75 %. In that case you‘ll automatically get the SL logo on your Mecenat card.
– If your activity for the last semester is less than 75 %, you need to prove your activity for this semester directly to Mecenat in order to get the SL logo on your student card.

The administrator on your institution can help you with a certificate that shows your planned activity for this semester.

If your name is misspelled/wrong or the personal number is incorrect on your card, you should primarily contact KI to get it changed in LADOK, since MF’s member register is updated from there. You can contact them via this email address: [email protected].

The Mecenat card is always valid for just one semester at a time. As soon as you’re registered in LADOK for the next semester a new card will be issued for you automatically! 


Remember that it can take a few days before your payment reaches us, depending on your payment method and then it’ll take an additional day or two before the information about your student union membership has been sent to SSSB. So if you made the payment recently – chill out! 😉

If several days has passed and your status at “my pages” at SSSB’s website still hasn’t been updated, this might be the problem: 

  1. You’ve stated different personal numbers when you registered at SSSB, Ladok and/or MF. 
  1. You’ve given different email addresses to SSSB and MF.  

If you only just received your Swedish personal number, please scan or take a photo of the population registration certificate document (personbevis) from Skatteverket and email it to: [email protected]. Also send it to KI/Ladok: [email protected]. If you don’t have the document you can order it from Skatteverket
Then: send an email to MF [email protected] and tell us that this is done. This way all your profiles will stay connected.

The student union membership is always just valid for one semester at a time, but it’ll get updated automatically the upcoming semester if you’ve paid for that semester too (and become registered in Ladok for that semester). The next semester’s membership will, in other words, not be visible at SSSB’s website until the previous membership has expired. This way your membership for the autumn semester will be visible after September 15th and the membership for the spring semester after February 10th.  Read more on SSSB’s common questions and answers. 

Rent the student union house Kårhuset, Nobels väg 10

Yes, here  you can see the availability of Aulan, Pub & gasque and Klubbvåningen.

Student associations means that you belong to a college/university student union (eg KTH, SU, etc)

Internal renter means that you belong to a section, union committee or societies within MF.

Member means that you meet the membership requirements and have paid the membership fee. You can read more about this here.

External renter means that none of the above agrees with you.

You can find more information here.

You can fill out a booking request here. Fill out the form as fully as you can. You can also add questions and thoughts to the premises manager in the form!

When booking, you will receive documents and regulations with comprehensive information on how a rental usually works and what you need to keep in mind.

The premises manager usually replies within a week.

Once you have booked and the premises manager has confirmed this, you will set a date for contract signing that will take place on Nobelsväg 10, Solna. The person with ultimate responsibility must sign the contract.

Unfortunately, the premises manager does not have the opportunity to meet up elsewhere and sign the contract. It is also not possible to submit the contract by email, the contract signing must be done in physical form. (Exception currently based on covid-19 guidelines)

More information can be found here!

Prices for renting the premises can be found here. Then there may be additional costs for the house manager, guards, beverages and such. This is clarified in the contract as well as when and how to pay.

More information about this can be found in the regulations and information documents for different renters here.

Medicinska Föreningen has a serving license, which allows you to serve alcohol at your event.

Once you have booked, you will receive a beverage order list from the premises manager. It must be submitted by the date stated in the contract. More information on alcohol policy and such can be found here.

You will find regulations and information documents for your category of renter here.

The premises manager will also send the documents that you need to read through. You will also go through these together during the contract signing.

Mf pub is free for the renter and means that there are MF students working at the bar and the beverages are from our standard selection.

It is important, however, that as long as the bar is open, there must be access to food for the guests. This is the renters, not MF’s, responsibility to provide for.

More information can be found in the regulations and the information documents here.

A house manager is an extension of MF and has ultimate serving responsibility and responsibility for the house. HA can shut down the event if they see violation of fire and order regulations and such.

You can find more about HA in the information documents and regulations here.

You can find information about this in the information documents here.

Yes, we have both sound and lighting system and the cost for these is included in the rent!

You can find more information here.

You can read more about this in the information documents for renters here. It is important that you look at the document that apply to you, depending on whether you are an external renter, internal renter, student association or member. You can find the difference between these categories above.

The tables are 180 x 80 cm and they usually seats 6 people at a table. In total there are 40 tables.

You can find the cancellation policy for each renter category in the information documents here.

You can find more information in the information documents here.

External renters must have a MF pub if their guests will be able to buy alcohol at the bar unfortunately.
You can rean more about MF pub above and in the information document here.

Information about guards can be found in the information document here. Don’t forget to look at the one that applies to you.

The last guest must have left by 3 am at the latest. The bar must be closed well in advance of this, at least half an hour before.

More information can be found in the information document here.

Information about cleaning and such can be found here and in the information document here.

Within 45 days of your event the invoice and deposit will come from MF.

More information can be found in the information documents here.

The house manager will inspect your cleaning after the event and fill out an inspection report that is submitted to the premises manager. HA can thus approve your cleaning but the premises manager can also add fines if the cleaning is inadequate (eg decorations left on walls, bar floor dirty, etc.)

You can find more information in the regulation and documents here.

Contact the premises manager at [email protected] and ask if they have found or received anything or come in during reception desk hours and ask.

If we find or get things like driving licenses, bank cards, etc. these are submitted to the police no longer than two weeks after the finding.

If the premises manager has no knowledge of your lost item, a tip is to contact the person responsible for the event.

Rent Solvik

There is a calendar here, where you can see when it is free.

Good to keep in mind is that a booking for a day can visually overlap with the next or previous booking in the calendar, due to that it extends over both days in the calendar. This phenomenon is built into Google Calendar. Solvik is not double booked.

You send a booking request to the premises manager by filling out the booking form which is available here.

Once you have booked and the premises manager has confirmed this, you will set a date for contract signing that will take place on Nobelsväg 10, Solna. The person responsible for the rental must be on the contract.

Unfortunately, the premises manager does not have the opportunity to meet up elsewhere and sign the contract. It is also not possible to submit the contract by email or such, the contract signing must be done in physical form. (Exception currently based on covid-19 guidelines)

More information can be found here.

Prices can be found here.

You can find information about bedding and things that are in place in the welcome letter here.

If you cancel 28 days before your rental, you do not have to pay anything. Less thank 28 days but more than 14 days before you have to pay half the rent. If you cancel less than 14 days in advance you will need to pay the full rental cost.

There are clear guidelines on how to clean and the fine if you fail to clean something. You can find them here.

Take photos when you come to Solvik and after you have cleaned, in case of disagreement.

All the regulations that you need can be found here. There are regulations about fire protection, order and other that are important that you follow.

Within 30 days you will receive the invoice/deposit back.

If you have been fined, you will find out through the inspection report that the premises manager forwards to you. Fines along with the used wood are then deducted from your deposit.

Booking rooms at student union house Solna and Kårridoren Flemingsberg

Det är bara medlemmar i Medicinska Föreningen som kan boka dessa interna lokaler i kårhuset Solna och Kårridoren Flemingsberg.

För mer info om hur du blir medlem hittar du här.
För mer info om lokalerna och hur du går till väga hittar du här.

Är du intresserad av att hyra de externa lokalerna så som Aulan, Pub & Gasquen eller Klubbvåningen för något event eller liknande? Då hittar du info här!

Du har väl inte missat att vi har en underbar stuga ute på Ingarö som heter Solvik? Mer info om den och hur du hyr hittar du här.

This applies to the rooms that are not rented to the public and which are for members only!

More detailed information about the premises in the student union house in Solna and “Kårridoren” Flemingsberg can be found here.

That’s right! As a member you can book projector, camera and speakers at MF.

You can find more information about this here

To be able to book the internal premises at MF you must be a member and have an MF email.

You will find more information about this here.
You will find more information about how to become a member here.

Each room/equipment has its own calendar and by importing the ones you use most you can see how the availability of each room/equipment looks.

You can find more information here!

You need to be logged in to your MF email to book. Then you can book directly in the Outlook app or via Outlook on the web.

You can find more information here! There are also quick reference guides and video guides to make it as easy as possible for you to book!

You need card access and in some cases you need to contact the premises manager. Here you can find information about each room and equipment.

To obtain card access, fill out this form and leave it in the reception in the student union house in Solna or reception in  “Kårridoren” Flemingsberg. Don’t forget to read the regulations that are there before you sign!

To obtain card access, fill out this form and leave it in the reception in the student union house in Solna or reception in  “Kårridoren” Flemingsberg. Don’t forget to read the regulations that are there before you sign!

Yes, you can get card access to both student union house in Solna and “Kårridoren” Flemingsberg! You just need to be a member of MF. You can read about becoming a member here.

More information about card access can be found here.

Other questions

If you’re registered in Ladok, we automatically receive the contact information you’ve stated there. If you’re not registered in Ladok or if we seem to have the wrong address connected to your profile for some other reason, please inform us about your new address by emailing [email protected] 

Ps. Don’t forget to make an official change of address at Svensk adressändring and to change your information at SSSB if you’re in their housing queue.  

The few parking spaces we have at Campus Solna are only for MF staff and are outside the union building. However, it is possible to get parking permits similar to those that apply to KI’s staff via the ombudspersons, in the guidelines for KI staff permits 2023 you can read about how to get a parking permit.

Other than that we refer to the parking spaces administrated by Akademiska Hus in Solna https://www.akademiskahus.se/ditt-campus/stockholm/campus-solna/parkering/ and Flemingsberg https://www.akademiskahus.se/ditt-campus/stockholm/universitetsomradet-i-flemingsberg/

Here you can find information about how we handle your personal information: Regulation for processing of personal data and data protection

Documents with information regarding specific registers of personal data within Medicinska Föreningen can be found here: https://medicinskaforeningen.se/en/about-mf/documents/#toggle-id-7

Come to the student union office or send an email to [email protected]! The staff will help you look through “lost and found”. If we don’t find what you’re looking for there, we recommend you to contact the leaders/hosts of the event you attended when you lost the object.