Apply for positions of trust within Medicinska Föreningen 2020

Speaker of the Council

The Speaker of the Union Council (FuM) presides over meetings of the Council and is responsible for summons, documents and meeting arrangements. For this post, one should have extensive experience of the council and a good look at Medicinska Föreningens’ statutes, regulations and organization.

Vice Speaker of the Council

The Speaker of the Council’s deputy.

Auditors – 2 ordinary and 2 substitutes

The task of the auditors is to review the activities of the Medicinska Föreningen to ensure that the statutes are followed, developed and that decisions are made correctly. This means reviewing the minutes produced last year and submitting an opinion on how well the association’s bodies have fulfilled their duties as above.

Authorised auditor

As an authorized auditor, you review the finances of the union to see that we comply with applicable laws and regulations. To be eligible for this position, you must be authorized by the Swedish Inspectorate of Auditors.


The President of the union has the main tasks to lead the work of the Board and to be the union’s face to the outside. This means representation work towards KI, other unions and the business community. In addition, the President coordinates student representation within the central bodies of KI. The President is the leader of the union and is paid full-time to work for Medicinska Föreningen, so it is inappropriate to study or work while holding the position of President.

Vice President

The Vice President is the Presidents’ deputy and has basically the same duties as the President. The work is usually divided equally between the two. This position is also paid full-time and it is therefore inappropriate to study or work while holding the position of Vice President.


The secretary is a member of MF’s board and writes minutes at all Voard meetings and meetings of the Council. The position is payed a symbolic fee.

Board members

The Board leads Medicinska Föreningen and is its highest operative decision-making body. As a member, you participate in decision-making on strategic issues, support committees and sections and participate in working groups with specific focus within the board. The position is payed a symbolic fee.

Standar bearer

The task of the standard bearer is to take care of the union’s standards, flags, and other heraldic objects.

Additionally, to:

  • lead the work of the ceremony committee
  • ensure that for the union important holidays are observed
  • when it is necessary, to represent the union with its standards and flags
  • act as toastmaster on amphioxgasquer and balls and when otherwise required, in connection with this position, the sitting is paid by Medicinska Föreningen
  • represent the union at Valborgsmässoafton and the Nobel banquet
  • assist the Board and its Presidum in other representative contexts
  • work for continuity in the Association’s external representation and work to maintain contacts with the union’s friends and beneficiaries
  • promote good etiquette among the union’s elected representatives at festivities organized by the union


The Hostess is tasked together with the union’s Host with managing the invitations, table seating and welcoming of guests at the association’s traditional sittings and balls. In connection with this, the seat ticket is paid by Medicinska Föreningen.

Tomb keeper

The task of the Tomb keeper is to take care of the Medicinska Föreningen’s tombs at the Northern cemetery in Solna and to ensure that the agreement on the management of Prosector Axel Westermark’s grave is followed. Additionally, to arranging the torchlight march and the lighting of the tomb on the Sunday after all Saints’ Day.

Editor in chief Medicor

The editor-in-chief is responsible publisher for MF’s magazine Medicor and leads the team working on producing the magazine.

Chairperson of the Equal Treatment Committee

Leads the work of the Equal Treatment Committee by sending out documents and calling for meetings as well as by being the committee’s main representative.

Members of the Equal Treatment Committee

The Equal Treatment Committee works with the university and union bodies to ensure equal conditions for all students, regardless of gender, gender identity or expression, age, ethnic affiliation, religion or other beliefs, sexual orientation or disability.

Chairperson of the International Committee

The International Committee (IN) is responsible for internationalisation matters regarding students at MF and KI and organises language at KI, social dance, cooking at KI and many other activities. Global Friends, responsible for the reception activities for international students, is also a part of IN. The chairperson organizes and is the leader of the board of IN during meetings and is IN’s foremost representative.

Vice chairperson of the International Committee

The vice chairperson does the chairperson’s work if the chairperson cannot do so, for instance if the chairperson is sick or abroad for a shorter time. Normally the vice chairperson helps the chairperson with its duties.

Treasurer of the International Committee

The treasurer is responsible for IN’s economy and for IN to not spend more money than budgeted by the Union Council.

Members of the International Committee

Board members work with and decide about the activities arranged by IN.

Apply for positions of trust!

The candidacy must include the following information:

  • name
  • e-mail address
  • phone number
  • which position the candidature is for
  • qualifications for the post that the candidate wishes to invoke

The candidacy must be sent to the Nomination Committee via e-mail [email protected].