Apply for positions of trust 2021

It’s time to nominate and apply for positions of trust within Medicinska Föreningen 2021!

Are you a motivated member who wants to contribute to the continuous work to make Karolinska Institutet a better environment to study in? Then we need you!

On November 21st, the Union Council – FuM, Medicinska Föreningen’s highest decision-making body, will elect positions of trust within MF 2021. Student involvement is the one thing that makes our student union live on and thrive, both through our student influence work towards Karolinska Institutet, but also improvement work within MF’s own activities. Do you want to make your voice heard, or work to make your fellow students’ voices heard? Do you feel that you have the knowledge to contribute to making the student union’s activities more efficient? Apply for a position of trust!

Read more about the positions below and send in your candidacy or nominate someone via the form. The application period is between October 28th and November 11th.

Positions of trust 2021

The President’s main tasks are to lead the Board’s work and to be the student union’s main spokesperson and face outwards. Note that this position is a full-time job and requires fluent Swedish. Please see the Swedish page for more information!

Term of office: 1 January – 31 December 2021
Remuneration: full-time
Positions: 1
Eligible: student member of MF
Language requirements: Swedish, English
More information: Medicinska Föreningens stadgar and Reglemente för Styrelsen

Current President Jessica Härtell
[email protected]

The Vice President is the deputy of the President. The position can be held by up to 3 persons, and if being held by one it is a full-time job. Note that this position requires fluent Swedish. Please see the Swedish page for more information!

Term of office: 1 January – 31 December 2021
Remuneration: full-time
Positions: 1-3
Eligible: student member of MF
Language requirements: Swedish, English
More information: Medicinska Föreningens stadgar and Reglemente för Styrelsen

Current Vice President Puck Norell
[email protected] 

The secretary is a member of the Board and writes the minutes at every meeting with the Board as well as the Union Council (Fullmäktige). Note that this position requires fluent Swedish.

Term of office: 1 January – 31 December 2021
Positions: 1
Eligible: student member of MF
Language requirements: Swedish, English
More information: Medicinska Föreningens stadgar and Reglemente för Styrelsen

Current secretary Evelyn Olander
[email protected]

The Board is the highest operative body within Medicinska Föreningen. The Board decides on strategic questions, supports the committees and sections and works to improve and develop MF. Note that being a Board member requires fluent Swedish.

Term of office: 1 January – 31 December 2021
Positions: a total of 13 people including the President, Vice President and Secretary
Eligible: student member of MF
Language requirements: Swedish, English
More information: Medicinska Föreningens stadgar and Reglemente för Styrelsen

The Board 2020.

The Speaker leads the Union Council (Fullmäktige) meetings and all the preparations for the meetings. Fullmäktige is Medicinska Föreningen’s highest decision-making body. The position as Speaker requires fluent Swedish.

Term of office: 1 January – 31 December 2021
Positions: 1
Eligible: everyone
Language requirements: Swedish, English
More information: Medicinska Föreningens stadgar and Reglemente för Fullmäktige

Current Speaker Jens Andersson
[email protected]

The vice Speaker is the deputy of the Speaker, a position that requires fluent Swedish.

Term of office: 1 January – 31 December 2021
Positions: 1
Eligible: everyone
Language requirements: Swedish, English
More information: Medicinska Föreningens stadgar and Reglemente för Fullmäktige

Current Vice Speaker Leif Karlsson
[email protected]

The task of the operations auditors’ is to review Medicinska Föreningen’s activities to ensure that bylaws have been complied with, developed and that decisions have been made correctly. The positions require fluent Swedish.

Term of office: 1 January – 31 December 2021
Positions: 2 ordinary, 2 substitutes
Eligible: everyone
Language requirements: Swedish
More information: Medicinska Föreningens stadgar

The standards bearer is Medicinska Föreningen’s ceremonial master, and toastmaster at all the balls and sittnings organised by the student union. The position requires fluent Swedish.

Term of office: 1 January – 31 December 2021
Positions: 1
Eligible: member of MF
Language requirements: Swedish, English
More information: Instruktion för standarföreriet

Current standards bearer Max Kynning
[email protected]

The hostess works together with the host to prepare invitations, table seating and welcoming of guests to Medicinska Föreningen’s balls and sittnings. The position requires fluent Swedish. Please see Swedish page for more information. 

Term of office: 1 January – 31 December 2021
Positions: 1
Eligible: member of MF
Language requirements: Swedish, English
More information: Instruktion för värdparet

Current Hostess Johanna Hagman
[email protected]

The tomb keeper ensures that Medicinska Föreningen’s burial grounds at Norra begravningsplatsen in Solna are taken care of, and executes a torchlight procession at the day of all souls.

Term of office: 1 January – 31 December 2021
Positions: 1
Eligible: member of MF
Language requirements: Swedish
More information: Instruktion för gravvårdaren

Current tomb keeper Magnus Jungstedt

The Editor-in-Chief is the publisher of Medicinska Föreningen’s magazine Medicor and leads the team working with producing the magazine. The Medicor team is a part of the Communication Committee and the magazine has previously been sent out as a paper (in English) and some articles have also been published on Medicor’s website. As the Editor-in-Chief of Medicor you have a great chance to influence the magazine’s future, since it hasn’t been published during 2020 and you now have the chance to start the production in a new way if you want to! To help the Editor-in-Chief, a deputy publisher is also chosen.

Term of office: 1 January – 31 December 2021
Positions: 1 editor-in-chief and publisher, 1 deputy publisher
Eligible: member of MF
Language requirements: English

Editor-in-Chief between 2018 – 2019 Isabelle Wemar describes the position like this: “The Editor in Chief is responsible for all parts of Medicor Magazine; the content and presentation of the magazine, the recruitment of writers, the social media output and social events. The Editor in Chief is head of the Editorial Board, which is made up of magazine section editors and social managers.”

The publisher of MF’s website is the person responsible for what is published on The website is taken care of by the Communication Committee. To help the publisher, a deputy publisher is also chosen. The position requires fluent Swedish.

Term of office: 1 January – 31 December 2021
Positions: 1 publisher, 1 deputy publisher
Eligible: member of MF
Language requirements: Swedish, English

The International Committee works for internationalisation at Karolinska Institutet and within MF. The International Committee coordinates the sections and elects student representatives to parts of KI that work with internationalisation at the university. The chair leads the work of the commission, the vice chair helps the chair and acts chair in their absence. The secretary keeps the minutes of the commission’s meetings.

Term of office: 1 January – 31 December 2021
Positions: 1 chair, 1 vice chair, 1 secretary and a maximum of 20 additional members
Eligible: member of MF
Language requirements: no specific language requirements
More information: Medicinska Föreningens stadgar (bylaws) and Reglemente för Internationella Nämnden (regulations)


Current chair John M. Bairoh
[email protected]

The Equal Treatment Commission works together with the university and the rest of the student union to ensure equality for all students, regardless of sex, gender identity or expression, age, ethnicity, religion or other beliefs, sexual orientation or disability.

The chair of the commission leads the equal treatment work by summoning and preparing meetings and by being its spokesperson. The vice chair helps the chair and acts as chair in their absence. The secretary keeps the minutes for the commission’s meetings.

Term of office: 1 January – 31 December 2021
Positions: 1 chair, 1 vice chair, 1 secretary and a maximum of 20 additional members
Eligible: member of MF
Language requirements: no specific requirements
More information: Medicinska Föreningens stadgar (bylaws) and Reglemente för Likabehandlingsnämnden (regulations)

Chairperson for the Equal Treatment Commission 2017 Micaela Gonzalez describes the position like this: “The Equal Treatment Commission works within MF with the student perspective for equal treatment, and for equal conditions for all students at KI and within MF. The work of the Equal Treatment Commission involves many different parts of education and student life. As part of the commission, you participate in meetings and plan and perform various activities and tasks. The Equal Treatment Commission also cooperates with other parts of MF.”

The task of the Scholarship Reviewing Commission is to prepare the Board for matters concerning the distribution of scholarships through review of received applications. The commission also handles the announcement of the scholarships and ensures that applications are received. All members are encouraged to apply, but note that the chair will need to be fluent in Swedish. It is also beneficial if other members are familiar with Swedish.

Term of office: 1 January – 31 December 2021
Positions: 1 chair and a maximum of 6 additional members
Eligible: member of MF
Language requirements: Swedish, English (be able to read applications)
More information:
Medicinska Föreningens stadgar
Reglemente för stipendieutdelning ur Medicinska Föreningens stipendier
Reglemente för förvaltning av till Medicinska Föreningen anknutna stiftelser

Current chair Pinja Ruuhinen
[email protected]

Foundations managed by MF

The auditor’s task is to review the management of the Stiftelsen Folke Sjöqvists 50-årsfond och Ulla Lindholms stipendiefond and to ensure that laws, bylaws and regulations have been followed correctly during the financial year. The position requires fluent Swedish. Please see Swedish page for more information. 

The auditor’s task is to review the management of Medicinska Föreningens samstiftelse för studier and to ensure that laws, bylaws and regulations have been followed correctly during the financial year. The position requires fluent Swedish. Please see Swedish page for more information. 

The auditor’s task is to review the management of Medicinska Föreningens samstiftelse för studieresor and to ensure that laws, bylaws and regulations have been followed correctly during the financial year. The position requires fluent Swedish. Please see Swedish page for more information. 

The auditor’s task is to review the management of J. Åkermans, B. Pernows och C.G. Bernhards stiftelse and to ensure that laws, bylaws and regulations have been followed correctly during the financial year. The position requires fluent Swedish. Please see Swedish page for more information. 

  • 28 Oct

    The application period begins!

    Read more about all the positions on this page and apply or nominate someone through the form!

    28 Oct

  • 28 Oct - 11 Nov

    Application period

    The Nominating Commission (Valberedningen) goes through applications continuously and interviews candidates for larger positions.

    28 Oct - 11 Nov

  • 11 Nov

    Last day to apply and nominate!

    Make sure to apply and nominate latest on the 11th of November through the form on this page!

    11 Nov

  • 14 Nov

    Nominating Commission sends nominations to FuM

    After going through all the applications and nominations, and after having interviews, the Nominating Commission (Valberedningen) will send their nominations to the Union Council (Fullmäktige – FuM). You will be contacted by the Nominating Commission with information about whether you have been nominated and with more information about the FuM meeting where the positions of trust will be elected.

    14 Nov

  • 21 Nov

    FuM meeting

    On Saturday November 12th at 11.00 am, the Union Council (Fullmäktige – FuM) meets to elect the positions of trust! The meeting will be held digitally and if you have applied for or been nominated to a position you will have received a link from the Nominating Commission so that you can participate and present yourself. Even if you haven’t been nominated you will receive the link so that you can participate and get the chance to be elected in case FuM approves free nomination at the meeting. Positions that are not elected at this meeting will instead be elected at the FuM meeting on December 14th.

    21 Nov


Do you have questions about a position or the election process?

For some of the positions you can find the email address to the current person holding that position, whom you’re more than welcome to contact with questions! For questions about the election process and anything else you’re welcome to contact the Nominating Commission (Valberedningen) at [email protected].