Safety network
For a good study and work environment for students and doctoral students
Do you have problems with the psychosocial or physical study environment? Then it is the Safety Network you should contact!
As a student, you are equated with employees which means that students can and must participate in the work for a good work environment for students (study environment). This is regulated in the Work Environment Act, and works practically with the student union appointing student safety representatives who represent the students in matters concerning the study environment. In addition to the positions as head student safety ombudsperson and student safety representatives, there is one or more student safety contact person(s). The student safety contact person represent students at the programmes which the section represents.
Chief student safety representative
Ahmed Abdelmoez
Chief student
safety representative
The Chief student safety representative (HSSO) coordinates the activities of the student safety representatives and cover the departments which lack a student safety representative. HSSO is a student representative in Karolinska Institutet’s Work Environment Committee. To help the HSSO, a deputy is also elected. This position is currently vacant for 2023. (Interested? Apply here)
Medicinska Föreningen’s HSSO 2025 is Ahmed Abdelmoez.
Do you have questions? Do not hesitate to send an email!
Student safety representatives 2023
The student safety representatives (SSO) represent students and doctoral students in matters concerning the physical and psychosocial environment at the university and convey the students’ opinions. The student union has the possibility to elect one SSO per department.
The SSO participates in the work environment / safety round work, discusses and assesses the impact of changes in the study environment, stays up to date on work environment legislation and collaborates with (and sometimes represents) students who want improvements to be implemented.
See who is SSO at each department in the table below. Click on the department to be redirected to their website.
BioNut |
Vakant |
Vakant |
FyFa |
Vakant |
Vakant |
Vakant |
Isabelle Hernandez |
Vakant |
Vakant |
Adena Pepich |
Labmed |
Nerea Martín Almazán |
Vakant |
MedH |
Vakant |
MedS |
Vakant |
Lara Sweetapple |
Vakant |
Manojj Dhinakaran |
Kommer snart |
Kommer snart |
Kommer snart |
Neuro |
Kommer snart |
DentMed |
Selma Yebio
(vald av Odontologiska Föreningen) |
OnkPat |
Petra Marttila |
Student safety contact persons 2022
Student safety contact persons are appointed by the sections and act as a link between the students and the student safety representative at each department, for the programmes that the section represents.
The student safety contact persons do not have the same rights and powers as the student safety representative, nor has a statutory mandate. The rights and powers of student safety contact persons are described in the Work Environment Act.
See who is student safety contact person at each section /programme in the table below. Click on the section to get to their page.
Artemis |
Linda Mattila
Program: |
AS |
Program: |
Jana Adam
Program: |
Monika Malachová
Program: Masterprogrammet i biomedicin Masterprogrammet i toxikologi Masterprogrammet i molekylära tekniker i livsvetenskaperna Magisterprogrammet i nutritionsvetenskap |
Jan Reising
Program: |
Sharp Oktay
Program: Masterprogrammet i folkhälsovetenskap |
Fysio |
Christian Neiminen
Program: |
Kaustika |
Program: |
LoS |
Program: |
LS |
Anna Johansen
Program: |
PsyKI |
Program: |
Program: |
Do you have questions regarding the safety network?
Don’t hesitate to contact our chief student safety representative (HSSO).
More information
More information regarding student safety representatives can be found at KI’s website.