Here you can find the student union offices’ opening hours, as well as contact information to staff, students at central positions and different parts of Medicinska Föreningen.
Here you can find the student union offices’ opening hours, as well as contact information to staff, students at central positions and different parts of Medicinska Föreningen.
Nobels väg 10
KI campus Solna
Ordinary opening hours
Monday 3 pm – 5.30 pm
Tuesday 12 pm – 3 pm
Wednesday Closed
Thursday Closed
Friday 15 pm – 6 pm
If today’s opening hours differ from the ordinary opening hours, you’ll find that information at the very bottom of this page. (E.g. at the beginning of the semester)
Ordinary opening hours
Wednesday 2pm – 5 pm
Membership Administrator
Helps you with questions about membership, SSSB, the Mecenat card, and general questions about MF.
08 – 524 830 79
Premises Manger
Helps you with questions about facilities and bookings in the Kårhuset, Kårridoren, and Solvik.
08 – 524 830 71
The ombudspersons can help you with questions regarding KI’s rules, or act as support in conflicts and other situations that can arise during your time as a student at KI. Contact the ombudspersons via the forms on this page.
08-524 830 77
Vice President
08-524 830 76
Vice President
Vice President
Chair of the Administrative Committee (FuO)
08-524 830 75
Education Council (URO)
Helps you with questions regarding student representation.
Click on a section, committee, commission or association below to move to its page with contact information.
Audiology Section (AS)
Biomedical Laboratory Science Section (BAS)
Biomedical Educational Section (BUS)
Doctoral Students’ Association (DSA)
Medical Students’ Section (LS)
Nursing Section (SSEK)
Occupational Therapy Section (Artemis)
Optometry Section (Kaustika)
Physiotherapy Section (Fysio)
Psychology Section (PsyKI)
Public Health Section (PHS)
Speech and Language Pathology Section (LoS)
Administration Committee (FU)
Business Committee (NU)
Communication Committee (KomU)
Culture Committee
Global Friends (GF)
International Committee (IN)
Programme Committee (PrU)
Reception Committee (MU)
Sports Committee (IdrU)