Students for Sustainable Development – SSD

Who are we?

Students for Sustainable Development at KI are a diverse group of international and Swedish students, who are devoted to the idea of creating a more sustainable planet. Starting with baby steps, we want to make the ideas and visions behind the sustainable future more present on KI campus and at the MF. SSD at KI organises multiple events, such as seminars, movie nights, clothing swaps, workshops and anything else that comes to mind of our overly ambitious and eager members!

How to reach us?

We are always happy to hear new ideas or to accept new members to help with already existing events. Contact us on whichever social platform you find more convenient for you and let’s work on a sustainable future together!

Aleksandra Elwertowska

Rapport 2022

I mars 2022 genomförde Students for Sustainable Development (SSD) och Equal Treatment Commission (ETC) en enkät bland Medicinska föreningens medlemmar för att bedöma deras erfarenheter och åsikter om social och miljömässig hållbarhet på MF. Denna rapport beskriver resultaten av undersökningen och diskuterar möjliga åtgärder för att förbättra hållbarheten på MF.

Report Sustainablility at MF 2022