Mottagare av Crux Magna Medicorum 2022

Crux Magna Medicorum instiftades av Styrelsen 1981 och är den högsta förtjänstmedaljen som delas ut av Medicinska Föreningens Styrelse. Utmärkelsen tilldelas den vars insatser för Föreningen har varit långvariga, vittomspännande och oskattbara. Medaljen kan endast tilldelas medlemmar, tidigare medlemmar, Föreningens personal samt andra som har engagerat sig i Föreningen. 

Styrelsen har i år beslutat att tilldela Crux Magna Medicorum till Josefine Andersson och Iris Peña Arriarán, stort grattis och tack för ert oskattbara engagemang i Föreningen! Förtjänstmedaljen delas traditionellt ut på Luciabalen den 13 december, i år kommer detta att ske vid en mindre tillställning.

Leif Karlsson

Leif Karlsson is the person you can always count on to pitch in whenever help is needed. Leif has been involved in most of the committees and the central bodies within MF, which are crucial for the union’s operations to function. Already during his studies to become a biomedical analyst, he became involved in MF at section level and welcomed new students into the MF community. His interest and commitment to contributing to a good study environment for his fellow students continued during his doctoral studies, when he was active as a student representative and eventually as section president. One of his greatest achievements is of course his time as president of Medicinska Föreningen and student representative in Konsistoriet in 2019. In all his assignments, Leif has acted in a friendly, calm and inclusive manner, promoting both democracy and respectful action as well as community among MF members. His commitment continues to this day, several years after he finished his studies at Karolinska Institutet, and he remains vital to the organization. Leif’s selfless hard work is an inspiration to everyone active within MF.

For her long-standing, comprehensive and immeasurable work within Medicinska Föreningen, the Board has decided to award Leif Karlsson the honorary medal Crux Magna Medicorum.

Alessandra Ljung

Medicinska Föreningen would not be what it is if not for the members that dedicate their free time to helping their fellow students and working for the development of Medicinska Föreningen.

Besides being the conductor for Flix and a valued member of both Spexet and PrU, Alessandra Ljung has been active within Medicinska Föreningen’s Fullmäktige where she played an important role in organizing the union meeting that improved the social environment within MF.

Alessandra has also taken it upon herself to restore and decorate almost the entirety of the building we are currently in. She has done invaluable work for MF by working closely with the administration committee – replacing old furniture, decorating, painting and organizing Spegelsalen, Utskottsvåningen, Klubbvåningen, FUM-rummet – creating a modern, comfortable and inspiring environment for the students of MF.

Alessandra is a force of nature who easily inspires others due to her leading by example and her kind nature. She is thoroughly dedicated to MF and highly valued among her fellow students.

For her long-standing, comprehensive and immeasurable work within Medicinska Föreningen, the Board has decided to award Alessandra Ljung the honorary medal Crux Magna Medicorum.

Michaela Gonzalez

Throughout her studies at KI, Micaela was a big part of MF and always gave that something extra to our organization. Her work within the Program Committée is priceless and she did everything from cleaning late at night after parties to being head of the committee. She was also one of the people who organized the very successful 100 year jubilee of PRU in 2019 and gathered previous members from the 1950’s until today.

Aside from her commitment within PRU Micaela played a big part in the Framtidens Kårhus project, especially with the alumni work where she planned and executed an important alumni campaign. Micaela has always helped out and worked for MF’s values and she will always be an important part of the MF family.

For her long-standing, comprehensive and immeasurable work within Medicinska Föreningen, the Board has decided to award Michaela Gonzalez the honorary medal Crux Magna Medicorum.

Puck Norell

Over the many years since Puck first stepped in to Medicinska Föreningen she has been involved at different levels and in different areas. To name a few she has been involved in the program committee, the administration committee, the union council, the board and in 2020 she was Vice President of MF during an incredibly trying year. Puck is an incredibly sensible, fair and kind person with a real fighting spirit. She is also a very humble person who does not demand anything in return for her efforts. Puck has worked hard for a fairer and more inclusive student union and made great efforts to better include international students in the student union. In contact with Karolinska Institutet, both as a student representative and vice president of the union, she has fought for a better study environment for both national and international students.

With her warmth and prestigeless attitude Puck gives an opportunity to all who show interest in MF to join. The results of Puck’s efforts can be seen everywhere within MF – in the student representation, in the study social environment and in the social activities that we organize.

For her long-standing, comprehensive and immeasurable work within Medicinska Föreningen, the Board has decided to award Puck Norell the honorary medal Crux Magna Medicorum.