Under oktober månad hade samtliga medlemmar vid Medicinska Föreningen möjlighet att nominera lärare till utmärkelsen, och därefter har röstning skett bland alla medlemmarna. Styrelsen har utifrån röstningsresultatet beslutat att tilldela Kim Vestö utmärkelsen Mäster – Till minne av Dan Grandér för 2023 baserat på följande motivering:
“During the tumultuous time that has been the launch of our new 6-year medical program, few beacons have given better guidance than Kim Vestö. As the new medical program turns 2 years old, many courses have seen large revisions in their content and structure with the first class out often taking the brunt of the mistakes. Imagine then to their surprise when they come upon a course one would imagine to be the result of years of refinement. This is Basvetenskap 6: Mikrobiologi and infektionsimmunolgi, held by Kim Vestö.
When the second class of the new program starts a new course, it is customary to be informed of which parts have been change or omitted since the first time it was held, but no such changes took place for Basvetenskap 6. Almost everything stuck on the first attempt: from content to the Canvas page, which was hailed as extremely well organized, bound to induce disappointment for the following course. One easy way to grasp how functional a course is, is by looking at test results which, to no one’s surprise, were phenomenal. This stands strong as the course evaluation concluding that the difficulty was at an appropriate level.
Beyond his administrative skills, Kim is also a superb teacher. Infectional diseases are an acquired taste, and no one prepares the dish quite like him, with a touch of humour and a lot of care. Not only does Kim deliver his own lectures with youthful energy but he also attends the other lecturers and intervenes when he sees that an unspoken confusion has spread in the class.
Kim also has involvements beyond Basvetenskap 6 with lectures in Basvetenskap 1 and FoLäk, and as people who have seen what he can do we wish that his influence would grow further. That is why we nominate Kim Vestö to Mäster. At the dawn of this new medical program let us not look at days past, but instead towards the vigorous rays of the rising sun with Kim as an example.”
Stort grattis till Kim och tack för dina insatser för Karolinska Institutets studenter!